Hey everyone!
Just posting to let everyone know about what games I am making and what I have released for NG.
First off a few weeks ago I submitted LethalRpgUniverse(LRU):LS and I am currently working on a sequel called LRU: Domination where you can follow a main story quest, do side missions and dominate an entire world if you so desire. It will include the entire world from the previous game plus a completely new one. Any fan of the Lethal Rpg series should look out for it. Release date: Pending
I have just released Greyhound Racer Rampage the sequel to a game I submitted earlier in the year. There are a few horse racing sims out there but not that many dog racing sims so I decided to make one.
I am also working on a side project called Malevolence Mansion 2 but unlike the first, it will be a third person shooter and puzzle game.
Over and Out
Is the character on the picture a supporting character or a playable one?
Benspyda (Updated )
An NPC (and possibly a boss fight). You can choose how your char looks as they are fully customizable.